
Click on Teachers tab on the top.

To add a new Teacher, enter unique Name (e.g. Ms Mary Jones), select Classroom (e.g. Toddler), Teacher’s Email (e.g. mary.jones@preschool2me.com) and Password (e.g. youdecide). Don’t worry, they can change the password after they have logged in the first time. Click on Save!

Your teacher should receive an email with the login details. They should now be able to use this login information on www.preschool2me.com and Preschool2me for Teacher app.

To Edit/Delete an existing teacher, select the Teacher from the dropdown box and click Go. Click Save after you have made your changes. To remove a teacher, hit Delete.

Note: Each teacher account requires a unique email address. If you don’t want to use teacher’s personal email address, please create your classroom/teacher specific email address on GMAIL, YAHOO etc.