
Click on Classrooms tab on the top.

To add a new Classroom, enter unique Classroom Name (e.g. Toddlers), Description for the Classroom (e.g. Age 2-3 yrs) and an optional Room Number (e.g. 102). Click on Save!

To Edit/Delete an existing classroom, select the Classroom from the dropdown box and click Go. Click Save after you have made your changes. To remove a classroom, hit Delete. You cannot selete a classroom if it has a teacher or student assigned to it.

One more thing, you need to have the Classroom entered before you can add a Teacher or Student. If you have teachers who are not associated with any classrooms, we suggest you create a ‘Float’ or ‘Placeholder’ classroom. You can then assign teachers to this classroom.

If you plan on doing transitions of children to activity rooms like music, playground etc. we suggest you create classrooms for each of these. This will allow you to comply with ‘Name to Face’ recognition requirements.